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Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.


What is Emergenetics?
It is a brain-based psychometric tool that provides a unique picture of the thinking and behavioral style of people.
It is a self awareness tool and a team building instrument. It is also used for leadership development, creativity projects,    communication, personal development, and trust building.
It was developed in 1991 by Geil Browning, Ph.D. and Wendell Williams, Ph.D., So far 400,000 people have benefited from    the training and it is used by many renowned organizations
It is normed against the population-at-large for accuracy. The standard deviation is 0.74-0.84

Why Emergenetics Profile
● Concepts are based on recent brain research
● Profiles are accurate and reliable 
  Test/retest validation. Attributes correlate from 0.74 to 0.84 (number above 0.70 is very strong correlation)
● Profiles are visually appealing, easy to interpret and remember
● trengths-based approach builds cohesive and productive teams and organizations

How to use Emergenetics
● Self understanding
● Greater understanding of clients, co-workers , significant others
● Empathic oral and written communication
● Accelerated learning
● Better presentations/ meetings/training/decision making
● A change model that advocates "work through your Strengths to improve"


1. Building personal and organizational trust with Emergenetics

Trust is the foundation of everything. "Trust…is an integral part of the fabric of our society. We depend on it. We take it for granted - unless it becomes polluted or destroyed.------ Steven. M. R. Covey, Author, The Speed of Trust

The purpose of this talk is to use Emergenetics to help leaders understand the importance of trust, how to build trust and recover trust for personal and organizational effectiveness

1. Introducing Emergenetics
2. The 4 thinking styles
3. The 3 behavioral styles
4. Defining trust in the business context
5. Identify the business case for trust – and for building trust with others
6. Utilizing the Intent-Impact Gap as a tool to understand how trust is built and broken
7. Discuss Emergenetics Implications relating to trust
8. Review Emergenetics case studies
9. Identify processes for rebuilding trust

2. One-Day Emergenetics® Workshop

The deliverables

This workshop will help participants have a better understanding of themselves and others using Emergenetics® thinking & behavioral framework. Participants will take personal responsibility to set and achieve personal / team development objectives.

Specific objectives to be achieved at the end of the sessions:

● Understanding self and others using Emergenetics® thinking & behavioral framework;
● Practical applications of Emergenetics®;
● Setting Stretch Objectives for personal and team effectiveness;
● Modifying thinking and behavior using the 21-Day Action Plan;
● Improve communication and insights for better team bonding.

Our methodology
This workshop uses Emergenetics® profiling system as a foundation for understanding how people think and behave. The workshop will have structured left brain tasks and concepts. On the other hand, there will be games and other right-brain psycho-educational methodologies.


Segment 1 Ice Breaker & Brain Calisthenics
● To start the neurons firing.
Segment 2 How The Brain Works & What Is Emergenetics®? ● A concise background on recent research to provide a foundation for understanding how each person thinks and solves problems differently.
● An explanation of the four general thinking preferences and three behavioral patterns.
Segment 3 Group Exercise: Teamwork
● Grouped according to thinking style, participants will engage in an activity that reveals the different approaches to problem-solving and communication.
Segment 4 Analyzing Emergenetics® Profiles
● Distribution of Emergenetics® Profiles.
● Analyze ours, others, and group profiles.
Segment 5 Group Exercise: "If This Room Were A Brain..."
● This exercise reveals some of our preconceptions and misconceptions. Participants will learn to value strengths of each individual and understand how team make decision and communicate.
Segment 6 Stretch Objectives & Personal Resolution
● Participants will learn the concept of setting stretch objectives.
Segment 7 Practical Applications In Leadership & Action Plan
● Use what you have learned about thinking and behavioral styles to enhance work issues, improve communication, and decision making.
● Map out a workable action plan.

For more information, please contact or contact our online customer service.

 Take a Profile